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The Business Show

05 Jun 2024

9 Questions to Success: online strategy builder

Strategy Doctor LTD Stand: B2002

If you are starting, building or running a business it can feel like you are going round in circles!  You can find yourself flat-out busy, but how do you know you are busy doing the right things? How do you know if those things are taking you in the right direction? Do you even know what that direction is??

There is no secret formula to success.  There is not even one shared view of what success means.  Every business is different and every business owner is different.

So I can’t tell you what to want or what to do, but I do recommend you have a strategy.  I don’t mean a dusty, dull set of complicated documents that you will never read again. Nor do I mean a spreadsheet that maps out your to-do list for the next 17 years.  A strategy is just a set of meaningful choices about your intent, that you keep refreshed and top of mind.  Make decisions on these big things, and the little choices every day will be so much easier.  

I’ve created a really practical and straightforward approach to help you build a meaningful strategy for your business in just 9 questions. Guaranteed to make you THINK about your business and build a meaningful strategy for growth. No jargon or patronising lectures - you are the expert in your business. Just meaningful challenge to ensure everything joins up. I even throw in some comedy along the way to bring it to life.

"“Her Nine Steps model brilliantly structures the often scattered thoughts and ideas of a founder into a coherent map that helps the innovator navigate the delicate early stages of their venture. Put simply: it’s brilliant.”  Source (Trust Pilot)


For any stage of business - from startup to mature business, take the opportunity now to get super clear, quickly.
