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The Business Show

Simply Business Club

Business networking, support and growth should be at the heart of every business right?

Simply Business Club is a networking community which also has a successful magazine (SBC Business
Magazine) and our foundations are built on supporting businesses and their growth.

You may find it ridiculous, but our main aim and goal is for you to do really well and be as successful
as possible.

Our founder John Turner often quotes JFK when he says “A rising tide lifts all boats” he likens this to
business networking and adds “if we all help each other we will all win!”

Simply Business Club has two sides with several offshoots from each.


The club:

  • We offer 3 online networking meetings each week but we do this with a twist, our aim is to support you and so we give each and every attendee 3-5 minutes to talk about what they do but also what struggles they are facing and how the rest of the group can help, after the person has finished their offering for the meeting we will open up for discussion, this can be questions or feedback or suggestions on how to achieve what they desire.

SBC Business Magazine:

  • A bi-monthly magazine offering easy to read, no jargon, business articles for business professionals from advice across a variety of sectors to tips on how to do something or to achieve the best outcome possible.
  • We often share innovation, best practice and ethical working patterns to highlight how businesses can follow in the footsteps of others who have tried and succeeded.
  • Offering businesses the chance to share advertorials and adverts within the magazine, we current get over 10k views online from across the different platforms include subscribers, social media and our website.
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