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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


So, you want to grow your business?

13 Nov 2024
Theatre 13

Are you a business owner feeling the weight of ambition and whilst juggling your never ending to-do list?
Are you working hard to growth and expand, while being concerned about profitability and your own work-life balance?

If your current working situation feels like a constant juggling act, with the demands of business growth encroaching on your work-life balance and mental equilibrium, you're not alone!

In this seminar, we'll explore actionable strategies and insights designed to help you navigate these challenges.

You'll walk away equipped with:

  • Sustainable strategies for business growth and expansion

  • Tips for maintaining profitability while retaining work-life balance 

  • Actionable insights and vital practices to achieve business success while nurturing your sanity


So, if you feel like you resonate with any (or all) of the 4 statements below, then this is the perfect seminar for you! 

  • You are a business owner striving for sustainable growth and profitability

  • You feel overwhelmed by the demands of business growth impacting your work-life balance

  • You seek practical, actionable strategies to drive business expansion while retaining your well-being

  • You are looking for insights to achieve success without sacrificing your sanity

We look forward to welcoming you to our seminar (oh, and giving you a little freebie too!)



Sian Smith - BAS Consultancy Services
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