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2024 The Business Show AGENDA

The Business Show


Accountability: The Hammer And The Heart

13 Nov 2024
Theatre 13 by V3 Outsourcing Solutions

Most of us associate the word ‘accountability’ with harsh consequences: apologising, making amends, giving critical feedback and holding a line that feels uncomfortable. Aka ‘the hammer’. We fear having to receive it and we fear having to deliver it. Yet we all operate now in a world where we face more and more of a culture of entitlement which rubs up against a real need to ensure that all the resources we have, including our people, contribute towards the bottom line and the results we’re committed to. Accountability to the vision and the mission has to be non-negotiable.

The great news is that there is a way to deliver accountability with love and compassion, while also being unyielding to the company values and priorities. There is a way where your people take hold of this culture and actually love and value it, rather than fear its consequences. This is the method that Amy will share with you in this session – how to balance the need for standards and outcomes with the imperative of loving and providing for your people.

Amy Bingham, Founder - Black & Blue
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