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Panel Discussions

The Business Show

Panel Discussions

This year we have a dedicated theatre for panel discussions, where every hour a panel of experts will explore different business topics. They will cover present and future challenges, offering a chance for you to interact and ask questions. 

These topics will be the same for both days of the show, however the experts will be different. You can find more details on the subjects up for discussion and the experts taking part in each debate closer to the show. 

When the discussions take place, make sure you arrive at the theatre as early as possible, as the unique education, insight, and guidance on offer always attracts a lot of interest, so seats go quickly!


Panel Discussion

The panel topics include:

Business Startups

Receive tips, insights, and advice from industry experts on what it takes to plan, fund, and launch your business from start to finish. Discover key strategies for growth and innovation and set yourself apart from competitors. You won’t want to miss this session.

How to Build a Brand

This panel discussion covers all the bases of how to build a successful brand for your business. From identifying your audience, researching competitors, developing a voice, a name, and a logo. Find out all the need-to-knows to start and grow.

Business Leadership

Here you will hear top knowledge, guidance, and insights on how you can become a successful leader in your organisation. Industry experts will guide you by sharing their experience from the challenges they’ve faced and how they overcame them.

Recruitment - The challenges

There are many challenges when it comes to recruitment; you want the right person with the relevant skills. You also want to ensure that you’re assessing candidates fairly. Hear all the tips, tricks, and advice on how to address common recruitment issues.


SMEs and small businesses can make a difference when it comes to climate change. In this panel, you can find out how your business can lessen the strain on the environment by being open and transparent about reporting. You will also discover how you can make your business and practices greener.

Workforce Management

The most important part of a business is the employees; without them, it would not function. At this panel hear from industry experts who advise on how to effectively manage your workforce while also scaling your business.

Digital Transformation

New technology is revolutionising the way we conduct our business, making processes more efficient. Hear from experts on how we can make the most of new advances transforming the world of work.

Cyber Security

This panel will focus on the latest cyber security available to ensure that your business software is protected from external threats. Hear from industry experts on the topic and find out what they advise.