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The Business Show

  • Now that the dust has settled and we have the results of the 2024 general election, many of us may be thinking about how a Labour government will affect small businesses and business owners. Can we ex ...
  • In a significant advancement for the franchise community, we are pleased to announce the addition of a November edition of The International Franchise Show. This new edition, branded as The Franchise ...
  • As business owners, we set out with amazing dreams and hopes of being THE master of our own business destiny. We envision building a thriving business, with customers queued for miles, shouting from t ...
  • As cognitive beings, we are naturally drawn to something that gives us a sense of familiarity - something we feel as though we relate to and can resonate with. From an evolutionary perspective, people ...
  • When you are starting a business it is easy to forget about things like terms and conditions. Even though they might seem dull, terms and conditions are essential for any business to succeed. Here is ...
  • Developing a brand identity requires more than the logo and colours you use. It is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort that encompasses everything that supports your overall business goals and makes ...
  • In today's interconnected world that embraces the power of globalisation, businesses are no longer confined by geographical boundaries. With advancements in technology and digital communication, compa ...
  • In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, securing top talent is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. However, finding the right candidates, especially from overseas, can be a daunting ta ...
  • In today's hyper-competitive global business landscape, organisations are constantly exploring ways to remain innovative and agile. In the dynamic fields of healthcare and hospitality, where exception ...
  • Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey is an exhilarating experience filled with opportunities and possibilities, but also challenges and obstacles. It requires huge commitment and perseverance, whi ...
  • Entrepreneurial success is a dynamic journey marked by innovation, resilience, and a passion for turning ideas into reality. While the paths to success are diverse, certain principles consistently gui ...
  • In recent years, there has been a noticeable surge in the number of female entrepreneurs making significant strides in various industries. Breaking through traditional barriers, these women are redefi ...
  • A virtual assistant is one of the best jobs for those who need flexibility and assurance. Working in that field can include any number of different tasks. All of them are expected of you, with maximum ...
  • The world has changed, gone are the days of meeting face to face, in coffeeshops and other overpriced venues, gone are the £6.50 coffees and unfilling sandwiches, the Zoom era has begun and you know w ...
  • SHAPING A GOLDEN FUTURE FOR BUSINESS   Business Show Media ends the year excited to launch into their next chapter; a golden 50th edition of the expo that started it all, the longest-standing business ...
  • Business expos are not just about showcasing products and services; they're also prime opportunities to expand your professional network. Building a robust and diverse network can open doors to new cl ...
  • Participating in business expos can be a game-changing opportunity for your company. These events offer a unique platform to connect with potential clients, partners, and industry experts, as well as ...
  • In an era where digital communication dominates, and online marketing strategies are paramount, one might wonder about the relevance of in-person events like business expos. However, the importance of ...
  • Business expos and trade shows provide invaluable opportunities for networking, showcasing your products or services, and gaining industry insights. To make the most of these events, careful planning ...
  • Embarking on the journey of establishing and growing a small business is a thrilling adventure. While the road to success may be filled with challenges, it's important to remember that many small busi ...
  • Unravelling Your Supply Chain Security

    Cyber Security Partners
    Most businesses, even the smallest, will have some kind of supply chain. Not all will present cyber security risks, of course, but as your organisation grows, the number of suppliers on whom you depen ...
  • Following on from an infographic posted on our Instagram page @thebusinessshowuk, this article will take you through the benefits of exhibitions for your business by listing some statistics. The point ...
  • 10x Growth

    Strategic Coach
    Truth: 10x growth is not only possible, it’s easier than you think. At Strategic Coach, we're all about multiplying growth. While we used to encourage entrepreneurs to double their income and free tim ...
  • The world’s biggest business show is expanding into Singapore on the 30th & 31st of August 2023 at The Singapore Expo!    Business Show Media are reaching new heights year after year. After already an ...
  • Small businesses may need a variety of funding to operate, this is best outlined in a business financing plan which lays out the options and avenues to explore. These financial forecasts can broadly p ...
  • Social media is one of the most important, free, marketing methods you can use to improve your business. Social media guarantees instant reach straight to your audience. We will run you through some a ...
  • Coming away from an exhibition with a clutch of leads is highly satisfying. But what you do with them is even more important. So, it’s savvy to have a follow up plan before going to an exhibition. Oth ...
  • Fact: Starting and growing a small business is one of the most exhilarating things you’ll ever do.  Also fact: It can be one of the loneliest experiences.  The unprecedented volume of online resources ...
  • For the vast majority of businesses they’re still the number 1 source of new business. Think about your own business & how much work has come from either networking or referrals. I’m sure it’s pro ...
  • Disabled entrepreneurs face a backdrop of palpable disparities, inaccessibility and barriers to participation when attempting to grow their businesses.  Access2Funding is a new campaign challenging th ...
  • Why Enter Awards?

    Ashley Riley, Ashley Riley Communications
    For a long time, business awards were the preservation of well-known brands. While of course those brands recognise the value of winning a big award SMEs and sole traders do not need a corporate-sized ...
  • It’s one thing to attend an exhibition. But too many salespeople and business owners are guilty of forgetting about the most important thing that’s at stake when they do. ROI, anybody? It’s a simple f ...
  • UK Business Forums provides a space for business owners to share challenges and network. Members ask questions on everything from dealing with disputes between directors to finding ways to improve the ...
  • If you run your own business, you’re in the enviable position of being able to dance to your own music. Providing you have a plan, a goal and something you can sell, you get to create the business – a ...
  • Here’s a quick checklist: Success starts with self-esteem No matter how hard you try to avoid it, your business will magnify your personal challenges and one of the biggest limiting factors in running ...
  • Benefits to Being Self-Employed Nowadays, with such movements as the Great Resignation, people are wanting more personal and creative freedom in their careers. For the majority, gone are the days wher ...
  • This week was a big week at IRIS. We released our latest research paper on the influence of audio in digital communications. This initial publication pays particular attention to the dramatic changes ...
  • An ode to audio

    IRIS - Tiana Raft
    If there’s one thing that goes unnoticed and underappreciated but holds huge weight in our everyday lives… it’s audio. As a company that lives and breathes audio, it’s no surprise we are celebrating W ...
  • One of the big challenges facing many businesses right now is how to build and maintain company culture amongst remote and hybrid workforces. Pre-pandemic, the culture would have been felt within a co ...
  • Where do you go when your small business is stuck? Many small business owners are told they will likely fail - and it’s statistically true that 60% of small businesses don’t make it past year 3 - howe ...
  • Nowadays, sustainability is at the centre of conversation. Everyone is trying to find ways to protect the environment, tackle climate change, and protect and fight for human rights. Businesses are nee ...
  • Tech for Startups

    24 Jun 2022
    In 2022, technology and digital media is an integral part of the business world. It can make business functions more efficient and organised. It is vital that startups are utilising the software and p ...
  • Here are eight key lessons from Dragons’ Den star, Steven Bartlett, that will help you in running your small business.
  • Upskilling staff can create cost savings of nearly £50,000 compared to bringing in new talent.
  • Networking With Confidence: 5 Top Tips

    15 Nov 2021 Modern Woman
    RE-THINK CONFIDENCE Let’s stop defining confidence in male terms. Definitions of confidence are often expressed in alpha male terms so sometimes we believe that strutting about with lots of bravado an ...
  • Exclusive Interview With Dr. Alka Patel

    09 Sep 2021 Working From Home Live
    Read this exclusive interview with our speaker Dr Alka Patel from Lifestyle First. She answers the questions we all want to know when it comes to workplace wellbeing when working from home.
  • Three Key Routines To Aid Successful Homeworking

    23 Jul 2021 By Louise Goss, Founder and Editor, The Homeworker
    With so many more people working either from home full time or in a hybrid fashion, it’s more important than ever that we understand how to make homeworking work.
  • An exclusive interview with our keynote speaker Touker Suleyman. Find out how he made his brands so successful and his advice for future entrepreneurs.
  • Xero sponsors The Great British Business Show for the upcoming event.